Event Registration

Easily create custom online registration forms for all your events and activities. Send invites, ask questions, process payments, track responses and create reports.

Captain Eventene

Feature Categories

Event registration is one of the core strengths of the Eventene system. You'll find a wide variety of features and customization options to meet your specific organization's needs.

Have more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!


Manage Contacts

Manage all your primary contact lists in Eventene as groups, then segment those groups into subgroups using smart rules. Easily import existing guest lists from other systems or build your lists from scratch as guest sign up. Use your lists over and over as you repeat your events.

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Public Events
Build your list of attendees organically as they sign up or upload a list of potential or past attendees to invite them directly.
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Private Events
Send out event invitations to specific lists of invitees for your internal and invite-only events. Only guests on your contact lists will be able to register.
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Create Sublists
Create useful subgroups by segmenting your primary data with automated rules-based filtering. Create subgroups by type, role, function, age, geography, or other custom fields as needed.
Event page sample

Event Websites

Eventene creates a dedicated event website (landing page) for every event, complete with its own dedicated web link. No need to learn a website building tool. Simply add your event details and we build the website automatically using our professional layouts.  

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Custom Branding
Integrate your brand across every attendee touchpoint in the system.
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Share your Events
Promote your events by sharing the links to your event landing pages on your own websites, Facebook, Twitter, and other marketing channels.
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Instant Updates
All content on your event site stays in sync with any changes made to your underlying Event, so your guests always see the most up-to-date schedules and other event details.
Registration form sample

Registration Forms

Design simple or complex online registrations that combine overall attendance, activity or session-level attendance, custom survey questions, and secure payment processing. Eventene supports payment processing, including selling bundles of products at a discount as credits that never expire.

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Device Independence
Our web registration forms feature modern reactive design and operate smoothly on any mobile device, tablet or desktop. The Eventene Mobile App supports the same registration capabilities as well.
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Fully Customizable
Create a simple or complex event registrations as you like, whether free or paid, public or private, in-person or virtual.
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Beyond Registration
Our registration forms provide additional features for your guests, including full event details, attendee lists (if public), and their personal assignments for teams, breakout rooms, and seating charts.
Screenshot from Webforms Event Checkout Page

Secure Payments

Process payments securely using your connected Stripe account. Easily add products to purchase during registration, including, tickets, fees, merchandise, and donations. 

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Seamless Integration
Guests only see the fee s and payments that correspond to the activities they select to attend.
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Order Tracking
Organizers can view order summaries and send reminders to any attendees who have not yet paid.
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Payments in Eventene are processed by Stripe and are compliant with PCI Level 1, TLS, and Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) standards.

Track Responses

View attendance status, waitlists, payment status, and email open rates. Easily send reminders to undecided or unpaid guests. Send important event updates or other details to all or any subset of guests at any time.

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Track Attendance
View attendance and payment status for every activity in the event, along with waitlists, email open rates and response times.
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Track Survey Responses
View survey responses in summary form or create detailed reports as needed. Guests can request entrée choices, seating preferences, and send you detailed questions and comments.
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View summarized and detailed reports for every activity within your event. Add named filter sets and column sets to further customize your reports on the more detailed Individual table views. Easily export your report data for further analysis.
Screenshot from Eventene Event Assignments Page


Create custom Sections, such as seating charts, teams, breakout rooms, discussion groups, or any other arbitrary groups specific for your event.

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Ask your guests specific questions, such as dietary restrictions, room requests, and activity preferences to aid in arranging them into groups and places.
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Intuitive tools to arrange your guests into custom sections, groups, and places. Eventene supports drag/drop and multi-select assigning.
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When assignments are ready, send your guest their specific assignments, which they can view in a browser or in the Eventene Mobile App.
Mobile App

Event Badges

Pre-print badges before your event in any design you need. Determine whether you will want to check in guests by name or QR code. With Eventene, it's easy to include each attendee's unique QR code on the badge too.
Mobile App


Organizers and event staff can use the Eventene Mobile App to check-in attendees at each activity, class, or session. Full date and time details are recorded with every check-In for later reference on reports.

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Checking In Attendees
Event Staff can check-in attendees by multi-selecting them, swiping right on a single name, or scanning a QR code. Accidental check-ins can be easily reset.
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Different Entry Points
If your venue has multiple points of entry, two or more event staff can check-in attendees at the same time. Pulling down on the list refreshes the "Checked In" labels to stay in sync with the other staff members.
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Offline Mode
If the Wi-Fi drops out or you're checking in guests in a remote location, the Eventene Mobile App can operate completely offline and sync up with the system once the network is restored.